FAA certificate for FLARIS engine

FAA certificate for FLARIS engine

The FJ33-5A, engine which will power the FLARIS LAR 1 business jet, has received a Part 33 certificate from FAA. According to Williams International, the manufacturer of the engine, the FJ33-5A power unit generates 2000 pounds of thrust and is more economical and...
FLARIS engine testing

FLARIS engine testing

Engine control systems for the Flaris Lar 1 aircraft are currently being tested in the new assembly hall of Metal-Master Flaris Team. In the coming days the engine runup will be performed. In the newly built asssembly hall of  Flaris Lar 1 jet manufacturer in...
FLARIS at Wroclove Design Festival

FLARIS at Wroclove Design Festival

A 1:3 scale model of the Flaris Lar 1 plane was one of the exhibits during the third International Festival of Good Designs “WrocLove Design” 2016: Good design and new technologies, which took place in Wrocław from May 18 to 22. The design festival hosted over 100...
FLARIS getting ready for take-off

FLARIS getting ready for take-off

Fitted with a state-of-the-art Williams FJ33-5A engine, which has a dry mass of 120kg and produces 8,2 kN of static thrust, the FLARIS jet is getting ready for take-off. Installation of the engine in the fuselage is almost complete. Currently factory tests are...
Installing the engine in the FLARIS

Installing the engine in the FLARIS

We are currently working on installing the FJ33-5A engine in the FLARIS LAR 1 jet. In June, during the Paris Air Show, we signed a contract with Williams International for the supply of a new generation of engines. The brochures below describe the parameters of the...
FLARIS na 51. International Paris Air Show

FLARIS na 51. International Paris Air Show

Już po raz drugi wystawiliśmy nasz odrzutowiec na największej i najważniejszej na świecie imprezie lotniczej – Międzynarodowym Salonie Lotniczym w Paryżu. FLARIS LAR 1, podobnie jak dwa lata temu, cieszył się bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem. Wśród fanów Flarisa znaleźli...