utworzone przez press | cze 16, 2016 | Bez kategorii, News
The FJ33-5A, engine which will power the FLARIS LAR 1 business jet, has received a Part 33 certificate from FAA. According to Williams International, the manufacturer of the engine, the FJ33-5A power unit generates 2000 pounds of thrust and is more economical and...
utworzone przez press | cze 7, 2016 | Bez kategorii, News
Engine control systems for the Flaris Lar 1 aircraft are currently being tested in the new assembly hall of Metal-Master Flaris Team. In the coming days the engine runup will be performed. In the newly built asssembly hall of Flaris Lar 1 jet manufacturer in...
utworzone przez press | maj 23, 2016 | Bez kategorii, News
A 1:3 scale model of the Flaris Lar 1 plane was one of the exhibits during the third International Festival of Good Designs “WrocLove Design” 2016: Good design and new technologies, which took place in Wrocław from May 18 to 22. The design festival hosted over 100...
utworzone przez press | sty 20, 2016 | Bez kategorii, News
Fitted with a state-of-the-art Williams FJ33-5A engine, which has a dry mass of 120kg and produces 8,2 kN of static thrust, the FLARIS jet is getting ready for take-off. Installation of the engine in the fuselage is almost complete. Currently factory tests are...
utworzone przez press | wrz 17, 2015 | Bez kategorii, News
We are currently working on installing the FJ33-5A engine in the FLARIS LAR 1 jet. In June, during the Paris Air Show, we signed a contract with Williams International for the supply of a new generation of engines. The brochures below describe the parameters of the...
utworzone przez press | cze 22, 2015 | Bez kategorii, News
Już po raz drugi wystawiliśmy nasz odrzutowiec na największej i najważniejszej na świecie imprezie lotniczej – Międzynarodowym Salonie Lotniczym w Paryżu. FLARIS LAR 1, podobnie jak dwa lata temu, cieszył się bardzo dużym zainteresowaniem. Wśród fanów Flarisa znaleźli...