FLARIS has successfully completed the next stage of test flights. Sales of the LAR1 aircraft have started.
The first FLARIS aircraft are now on sale. They have been delivered to the UAE. At the same time, the manufacturer of the world’s most economical and smallest private passenger jet is preparing aircraft for the European market. These will primarily be the LAR1 OPV patrol and LAR1 CARGO versions.
Currently, FLARIS is delivering their first airplanes to the United Arab Emirates. In collaboration with its partner, the EDGE Group, the company is working on equipping the aircraft with artificial integration systems and satellite communication systems.
These systems will enable the use of FLARIS aircraft in unmanned patrol flights and prepare FLARIS aircraft for collision-free formation flights in modern CARGO transport applications.Thesesystemswillenable the use of FLARIS aircraft in unmanned patrol flights and prepare FLARIS aircraft for collision-freeformationflights in modern CARGO transport applications.
At the same time, the manufacturer of FLARIS aircraftispreparinganoffer of the LAR1 OPV patrol aircraft and the LAR1 CARGO aircraft for the European market. At their Podgórzyn plant, the FLARIS companyis developing a patrol version of the LAR1 OPV, whichisequipped with an on-boardcomputer, a recorder, anobservationhead and a radio communication system thatallows the aircraft to cooperate with a groundstationwithin a 250 km radius.
The FLARIS company was established in 2012 for the purpose of serial production of LAR 01. The firstdesigns and prototypes of Flaris LAR 01 weredevelopedat Metal-Mastersspecializing in modern technological lines in the automotiveindustry. The company, founded by Sylwia and Rafał Ładziński, became a naturalincubator for innovativesolutions for the newjet, and 22 obtainedpatentsseem to confirmthis.
EDGE Group is a leadingtechnologycompanythathasdevelopedgroundbreakingartificialintelligencesystems and proprietarysatellitecommunicationssystems.