FLARIS engine testing
Engine control systems for the Flaris Lar 1 aircraft are currently being tested in the new assembly hall of Metal-Master Flaris Team. In the coming days the engine runup will be performed.
In the newly built asssembly hall of Flaris Lar 1 jet manufacturer in Podgórzyn, experts from Williams International (engine manufacturer) and Metal-Master Flaris Team are working together on integrating and testing the onboard systems and Williams’s custom-made computer which ensures optimum engine performance in all conditions.
– By setting such an ambitious goal, i.e. constructing an easy-to-fly business jet characterized by excellent performance and exceptionally low empty weight, the constructors of the onboard systems were faced with a difficult challenge – says Rafał Ładziński, director of the Flaris project. – They had to construct, install and integrate subsystems that were created solely for this plane. The ambitious concept (high performance and low empty mass) resulted in a fuselage with a characteristic eliptical section, which sharply tapers towards the tail in the engine area on its top. The installation of the engine on top of the fuselage allows for easy acces to service points of the engine and to some of the subsystems.

The Flaris plane was equipped with an innovative FJ33-5A engine designed and manufactured by Williams International. Its technical parameters substantially outperform other drive systems offered on the market. Williams is the only company on the market to have achieved such a high thrust to mass ratio. The engine’s empty weight is only 130 kg whereas its thrust is 850 KG, which is undoubtedly a great success of modern technology of aviation engines. Flaris, with its maximum takeoff mass of 1700 kg, is the world’s smallest business jet. It can accomodate 5 passengers. Its structure was optimized for quick flights at the flight level of 7800m (25 000 ft). It is equipped with a pressure cabin that offers comfortable flight for the crew at the nominal flight level. The plane’s maximum velocity is 750km/h, and its range – 3000km.
The above parameters are the result of numerical calculations and analyses that were performed by Metal-Master engineers using software developed by Williams, to which data and characteristics of the Flaris airframe were imported.
Currently the constructors are installing the last subsystems and are using virtually every free cubic centimeter of the plane’s technical space.
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